Schneider News

Schneider News
It is not really a secret that Georg Schneider not only loves the art of brewing, but is interested in many forms of artistic expression. This creative passion now lead to the start of a new series of concerts at the Schneider Weisse Bräuhaus.
Schneider News
Braukunst Live! - this special events stands for visionaries, maniacs und a whole bunch of beer affecionados. No wonder we feel at home here! 2017 Schneider Weisse once more participated in this wonderful fair centered around the art of brewing great beer. Care for some insights? Come on in ...
Mug up
Somehow the Oktoberfest seems always near ... so it's always a good idea to get accustomed with the customs. And costumes. Our little introductory film provides you with hands-on information on this very special and very Bavarian interpretation of a carneval.
Schneider News
Georg Schneider, managing partner of the Schneider Weisse G. Schneider & Sohn GmbH, Kelheim, has been elected president of the Bayerischen Brauerbund e.V.. The assembly of the central asssociation of the Bavarian brewery industry voted for him concordantyl on May 12th 2016.
Schneider News
Lower Bavarias biggest craftbeer fair takes place on the second weekend of May at the ›Sparkassen Arena‹ in Landshut, with100 beer specialities ready for degustation and a whole range of supporting events ...
Today our master sommelier Stephan Butz takes us on a trip to the very heart of the brewing process - and explains, how important it is, to let beer take a deep breath.
We have been rummaging around our film archive … and stumbled across an exciting story: Let us prove to you, that „flavour bombs“ can actually improve international relationships ...
Schneider moves
On August 11th 2016 the sixth "FUS Riversurfing Contest" was held on the Eisbach in Munich's Englischer Garten ... supported by Schneider Weisse. Watch the video now and find out just how spectacular this evening was ... we are looking forward to 2017's event!
Schneider News
In the main the Lent is a time of solitary contemplation ... however, around the Day of St. Joseph around March 19th, many beer aficionados prefer to contemplate in the company of the like-minded - and on the nature of the true pleasures in life. A good occasion is without doubt the annual strong beer feast at the Weisse Bräuhaus in Kelheim.
Schneider's favourite dishes
With the third recipe from the Schneider family collection Georg Schneider and top chef Peter Schlegel let the Christmas bells ring: today’s dish is a winter and Christmas classic, deeply rooted in the culinaric family chronicle as this was the favourite dish of Georg V. Schneider ...
Schneider News
Relax, you haven't been led astray: our website has been reworked from its very foundations … and there is much to discover. Let us give you a brief overview.

For a quart of ale is a dish for a king.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

The world belongs to those who enjoy it.

Giacomo Leopardi (1798-1837)

Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer.

Dave Barry (*1947)

Pleasure – that is what we seek in everything.

Seneca (Roman politician and philosopher, around 1 - 65 a.D.)

I adore simple pleasures.
They are the last refuge of the complex.

Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

Time does not cause age, it simply escorts change ...

Georg VI Schneider (*1965)

Beer is a truly divine medicine.

Paracelsus (around 1493-1541)

No pleasure is temporary - because the impression it leaves behind remains.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

Beer is proof that god loves us and wants us to be happy.

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)